Saturday, November 19, 2011

Work 0________0

Ugh! I have to go back there tomorrow....Flip a table O- _-----------_ (Uh?......) Anyways, so yah, this is basically what's on my mind -_- Pretty sucky right?(Other than listening to weird @#$ music XD) And also DA has been on my mind too.

-------------------If you were brought here by DeviantART Or my Twitter, then this is for you. I have a serious note here.I know i'll get no where with a PM, but I won't give up.What is boggling my mind as of right now is commissions.I am really low on cash right now(not like I can save it anyways) and i'm 15 years old.I can only work at a supermarket and I get 8 bucks an hour,not bad right?....wrong. I need a permit so and so...I know you don't want to here my sad story,but i'm giving you the reality of it.Hahah.....Anyways, If you want to be a big help in my life, and commission me, I will be so happy.... ^^ So make sure to look at prices and stuff like that...and even if you can't afford it right now, watch me on DA, because with the support, I can continue to upload more work, and you can continue to be stunned X3 -------------------

So that's what was on my mind.....Now on my mind: Turtles xD------Hehe thanks for reading! ^w^

1 comment:

  1. i would love to help but im 10 so i basicly ave no money.
